Marshall Lefferts

Commanding New York Seventh Regiment - Move to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Publication: The Brooklyn Daily Eagle

Brooklyn, NY, United States
p. 3

Arrival of the Seventh Regiment at


(From the Philadelphia Inquirer of this morning.)

The New York Seventh Regiment, Colonel Marshall Lefferts, left New York yesterday noon for Philadelphia, and arrived at Washington street wharf about seven o'clock last evening. They numbered about five hundred men, and were accompanied by a drum corps of fifteen pieces. Others of the regiment will join the command to-day or to-morrow. The men were dressed in their gray uniforms and carried the colors they had previously taken to the field. Upon reaching the wharf an order was handed to Col. Lefferts countermanding the one which required him to report at Harrisburg, and directing him to report immediately at Baltimore. The right wing of the regiment partook of the hospitalities of the Volunteer Refreshment Saloon, and the left wing at the Cooper Shop, at each of which establishments a substantial repast had been prepared.


Keywords:Marshall Lefferts
Researcher notes: 
Supplemental information: 
Researcher:Glenn Drummond
Date completed:May 22, 2010 by: Glenn Drummond;