Publication: The Anglo American Times
London, England
vol. 24, no. 612, p. 20, col. 2
Arrival of Passengers.
By the BOTHNIA. — Miss Ahern, N Arnold, A C Baldwin, G D Baremore, child and nurse, Mrs J Baremore, H R Baremore, R O Barnwell, D B Bedell, Mrs I Bell and maid, I and C Bell, G Benton, T J Blakeslee, two Misses Blanc, Mrs W T Blodgett and daughter, W T Blodgett, Mrs Blount and daughter, Mrs Boggs, JM Brown, H S Brooks and wife, E W Bryant, Dr Bubier, F N Buck, Gov A H Bullock, wife and daughter, Miss Carlyon, Miss Carroll, Col Chambers, Mrs J F Clapp and two daughters, C G Clark, H and M B Crawford, D T Corbin, Miss A Courtright, C Craske, Miss Crothers, Col F Cumberland, Mrs H G Curtis, W M Cutter, H R S Dalton, G F Danforth, wife and daughter, H Danforth, A M Dean, A M Dederick, E M Dexter, Mrs Didaina, J Du Bois, H R Du Pont, T Dunnill, wife, infant and nurse, F Elwood, Miss B Elwood, F W Emerson, J Farrar, wife and child, W Fellowes and wife, H C Fischer, F Eitchett, Mr Fitzgerald and four friends, Miss C M Flagler, Mrs Francke, W Friend, R Garrett, Col Gourand, wife, two infants and two maids, W A Goodman, jr, Miss E M Gourand. J A C Gray and wife, Miss Gray and maid, J C Gray, I C Grubb. G Guantieri, Miss Haehull, J L Hamilton, Mrs W T Hamilton, J Hargate, Miss L Harrison, A M Hays, A Hazelton, J S Helmer, wife and child, Miss M Hemingray, R Hemingray, J Heuvelman and wife, Hon A S Hewitt, wife and daughter, Mr Horn, two Misses Huger, J W Hull, F Hughes and wife. Miss Hunter, C Hunter, Mrs M E Hyatt and daughter, Mrs Ireland, R Isaacs, J B Jackson and wife, R C Johnson, D Jolly, G Jones and wife, G F Jones, D C Judson, Miss Jury, Miss Lamar, Miss E C Laurence, Miss Le Clere, Gen A L Lee, S Lee, Miss Leroy, Mrs W Levi and three children, Mr Lewis, Mrs H Lewis and two daughters, A M Lindsay, W J Loader, Mrs A Lowndes, A P Lyon, Miss Mably, C R Mably, Rev F P Mackall, M L Marks, Miss McCarthy, A McNally, wife, son and daughter, Rev C McNeil, J E B Meads and wife, A A Mellier, Mme A Merino, J Miller, Miss Monell G A Morrison, E L Morse, Misses L H and J Mott, J Murphy, A Nairn, Master Nairn, J H New, L Neumann. E A and D Newcomb, A A Oldershaw, Mrs W Oldham Mrs Palmer and companion, E M Parker, Miss J Patterson, Mrs A W Peabody, Miss Perkins, Mr Presse, D and W H P Phyfe, H G and W Pierce, M Porter, N L Prentis, W Preston, T Potts, H Randel and wife, S Rideout and wife, G Ritter, J O Rouse, Mrs W H Russell, J Sallade, T Seaman, J Seligman and wife, Miss B Seligman and maid, Masters E and A Seligman, E Seligman, Misses L and E Shannon, W and W S Smith, two Misses Stearns, Rev H C Stebbins, I Steinhart, Mrs Stenbeuruch and daughter, J Stetson, Miss C Taylor, C L and G A Thayer, G N Thompson, R Tomlinson, Miss J A Tompkins, Rev J H Torrence, D D, C J Townsend, T H Tyndale, W H Upson, wife and daughter, Mr Upson, jr, and brother, Rev H Van Rensselaer, F Vincent, jr, R F Walker, Dr D T Wardlaw, G Waters, A A Watt and wife, J Whitford, Mrs R K Winslow and daughter, B R Winthrop, E Wood, R Worthington, Z Rice, G A Smith.