Publication: The Indianapolis Sentinel
Indianapolis, IN, United States
p. 4, col. 5
An Immense Destruction of Property
in the Gas Belt.
MUNCIE, June 18. — [Special] — The greatest conflagration that ever occurred in Muncie wiped out of existence two large glass factories this morning, causing a loss of nearly $250,000.
A spark from a Belt Railroad switching engine ignited some packing straw in a wareroom between the Hemingray flint glass factory and the C. H. Over window glass works and both buildings were soon consumed. The fire department was useless as the city waterworks mains are just being laid to the factory district and were of no use. The Over factory moved here from Bellaire, Ohio, and employed nearly 300 men. their loss on buildings and contents is $70,000 and on stock $60,000; total insurance, $43,300, in the following companies: British America, $2,000; Niagara $1,500; Sun fire office $2,750; Manchester $2,000; Norwich Union $2,000; Michigan fire and marine $1,500; North British and mercantile $3,500; Fireman of Baltimore $1,200; Western $1,500; Traders' $2,000; German of Peoria $1,000; St. Paul F. & M. $1,200; Lancashire $2,500; Imperial $2,000; Home $2,000; Imperial $2,000; Evansville $2,000; Caledonia $1,000; Springfield Fire and Marine $1,000; Indiana Underwriters $2,000; Fort Wayne $1,000; Scottish Union $2,500; Reading $600; Hamburg-Bremen $1,000, State Investment $1,000. The Hemingray factory was the finest flint glass works in the country, employing 200 hands, and owned by Robert Hemingray and sons who came here from Covington, Ky., where they now operate a factory. Their loss on buildings and machinery is $90,000; stock $20,000, with $31,500 insurance in the following companies: Norwich Union $2,000; Manchester $2,750; Lancashire $3,000; British America $1,500; St. Paul fire and marine $2,500; North British mercantile $1,200; Springfield $3,000; Michigan fire and marine $1,500; Imperial $2,000; Hamburg-Bremen $1,100; Traders' $2,500; Sun $2,500; Evansville $2,000; State investment $1,000; Western $2,000.
Both concerns will at once rebuild their plants.