Publication: The Muncie Daily News
Muncie, IN, United States
p. 1, col. 3 - 4
Worth of Real Estate
Changes Yesterday.
Buyers Arriving on
Every Incoming
The Board of Trade Entertain
Hundreds of Visitors.
Yesterday was one of the best days in the real estate boom that has yet passed over the recent history of Muncie. There was less "wind shoving" and more actual business. The roaring "cyclones" had subsided into trade winds. Buyers advanced a margin on their offerings and sellers got their prices.
The boom breeze was much stronger and more regular yesterday than it has been at any time yet. Many of the gentlemen who were here last week and went home over Sunday came back with reinforcements. The men who came for the first yesterday found the supply of gas much larger than they had been led to suspect. Speculators expected to find in Muncie an Indiana village like Portland, Anderson, or New Castle, with a sickly natural gas flame as a curiosity. Instead of that they see a city with all the improvements of a place of 20,000 people. They see a city with a solidly built business centre — long rows of handsome edifices with shining plate glass fronts. Handsome public buildings in all parts of the city. A court house finer than ones possessed by Cincinnati or Indianapolis. They see a city of 7,500 with $150,000 invested in public school buildings. A city with $15,000 invested in a fire department, and a corps of firemen as good as there is in any city in the State. A city with $3,000 invested in the most approved fire alarm system. Visitors standing in front of the Kirby last evening heard the bell ring and in sixteen seconds saw a magnificent team of horses dashing down the street drawing the same fire machinery they would see used in New York City. The visitors were incredulous and thought the alarm came from the Engine House, but investigation proved that a key was turned one half mile away, which informed every citizen of Muncie where the fire was located, rang gongs which awakened the firemen, opened the stall doors of the horses, and the great doors of the department.
One surprised individual said to the writer: "Why this is not a Hoosier village, but an Indiana city. I never was more surprised in my life. My business is that of land speculator. I have bought and sold land in Birmingham, Ala., and Chattanooga, Tenn., been in the boom of Wichita, Kan., and had deals in Findlay, O., and never did I see a place desireable for as many reasons as Muncie, Indiana. Why I am stopping it as good a hotel as I can find in the state. If I don't know where a man is I want, I will probably find him at the Board of Trade, and if he is not there obliging clerks will tell me where to find him. And right here let me say to you that your Board of Trade is a great institution —luxuriant and convenient in all it appointments and furnishes all a means for doing business satisfactorily and expeditiously. I tell you this place is a city. I can start for home at almost any hour in the day, and if my family were here they could do ordinary shopping as well as they can at home.
"How does it compare with other places," we timidly inquired, thinking of Anderson.
"Compare! My dear fellow there is more business in Muncie in one day than there is in any town of 10,000 people in Ohio or Indiana. It's a fact, and I'm not talking for print. Was you ever in Ft. Wayne? Then did you notice the difference between the streets? Do you see a business man here talk to a half dozen people on his way to the post office? If your people stop on the sidewalk here, there is a blockade. At night one has to thread his way along the streets. Oh, it's a great place, and I expect to make lots of money here."
We might quote such and fill every page of the NEWS, but prefer to mention some of yesterday's deals that the readers may be assured that the principal part of the boom banquet is not "wind pudding."
The largest purchase yesterday was that of the Goshorn Brothers, of Cincinnati. At five o'clock yesterday evening they closed a deal with Wm. Walling for his entire farm with the exception of seven acres, where Mr. Walling's residence is located. They also purchased the John Luick farm. The price paid for the two tracts was $52,000. These gentlemen will probably close another deal this evening. They have also made many small purchases of city lots.
It has been noted in these columns that a paper mill was to be located on the Jackson street pike just west of the river. This mill will turn out nothing but rough papers. It is now an assured fact that another paper mill will be located here. Land has been purchased of Mr. Geo. Kirby for the purpose, and we understand that it is one of the express conditions of the purchase that a factory shall be located on the grounds. The purchaser is Col. Dan E. Mead, of Dayton, Ohio. He has other large paper mills and stands high in the business. The mill will be erected this summer.