Publication: The Muncie Daily News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 11, no. 180, p. 3, col. 2
Furnished by Higman, Chapman & Co., Real Estate and Loan Agents, Room 4 Anthony Block. Filed for record Dec., 31,1888.
Wm S Shideler to Squire Miller, 155x161 ft adj Shideler being 1/2 acres in n e qr n w qu sec 2 tp 21 r 10 $100.
Theresa Newburgh to Julius Rosenthal lot 3 and e side lot 4 blk 22 Jackson’s don to Muncie and n 1/2 s e qr n e qr sec 21 tp 20 r 10 20 acres Q.C.D.
Wm M Marsh to City of Muncie, s w cor lot 23 Seitz’s add to Muncie Q.C.D.
City of Muncie to Wm M. Marsh pt Victor street Seitz’s add to Muncie Resolution
Rachel C Moore to Emily J. Pierce, e hf n w qr s w qr and ehf s w qr n w qr sec 15 tp 20 r 11 and pt out lot 6 Selma $3200.
Saml Drake to Eliz C Gray, ehf whf n w qr sec l4 tp 21 r 9 40 acres, 1600.
Elis C Gray to Caroline Drake, ehf whf n w qr sec 15, tp 21 r 9 40 acres, $1600.
Carl C Spilker to Jos A Daniels, 22 1/2 acres in n w qr s e qr sec 3 tp 20 r 10, $1250.
Rhenben T Strong to Geo H Current 61-4 acres in s e cor n w qr s w qr sec 3 tp 21 r 11 $250.
Danl W Bowman to Robt W Ball, and 1/2 of lots 1 2 3 4 5 18 16 20 & 21 in w s Hall’s add to Muncie being 2 835-1000 acres in sec 16 tp 20 r 10 $3000.
Seth C Goshorn et al to The Hemingray Glass Co all blks 51 52 53 and 54 in Walling Tract add to Muncie, $8000.
Margaret A Wilson to Amelia Sutton, lot on Gilbert street bet Franklin A Liberty sts in Muncie $300.
Anna Roller to Saml Landes, lot 1 blk 4, McCowans & Harrold’s add to Cowan, $350.
Jos McVicker to Newton & Allen, und hf lot 4, blk 8, Wm A Long’s 1st add to Eaton, $350.