[Trade Journal]
Publication: Glass Factory Year Book and Directory
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
p. 171-184, col. 1
Outstanding Events In Glass Industry
Of the Nation During the Year 1948
Owens-Illinois Glass Company acquires capital stock of Sharpe, Inc., Buffalo, in exchange for common shares of Owens-Illinois.
C. M. Dooley named merchandising and consumer research manager of the glass container division, Owens-Illinois Glass.
Allan D. Campbell is named director of purchasing, and Walter W. Wood, personnel director of Kimble Glass division, Owens-Illinois.
New Opticlear vial for drug trade developed by Kimble Glass unit of Owens-Illinois.
Owens-Illinois purchases stock in two Vermont hardwood firms.
Owens-Illinois names E. D. Steimer Pacific Coast market development manager.
Owens-Illinois arranges for loan of $25,000,000 to complete construction program.
Owens-Illinois starts nationwide campaign to popularize Duraglas non-returnable bottles.
Owens-Illinois announces that Terre Haute, Ind., plant will close July 1, because of slackened demand for glass containers.
Court permits Owens-Corning Fiberglas, Owens-Illinois nad [sic] and Corning Glass to amend charges of violation in the government antitrust suit charged against them. Charge of conspiracy to monopolize production of glass fibers remains unchanged.
Stanley J. McGiveran is named by Owens-Illinois to general manager of Kimble Glass division.
Three appointments in market development department of Owens-Illinois include: Newell A. Pontet, district manager, serving western and southwestern container users; C. A. parks, assistant district manager, and James A. Maher, field merchandising representative.
Owens-Illinois increases price of some products 10 to 15 per cent.
Owens-Illinois opens Duraglas Center, a consumer research and market development facility at Toledo.
J. P. Kearney is appointed sales manager of the industrial and electronics division of Kimble Glass division of Owens-Illinois.
Kimble Glass division, Owens-Illinois, achieves two-year progress in six months in meeting requirements for television bulbs.
J. M. McCullough is named premium sales manager of Libbey division, Owens-Illinois.
Owens-Illinois honors Col. E. E. Kimble, founder of Kimble Glass, now a subsidiary of O-I, on 80th birthday anniversary.
Owens-Illinois may reopen Columbus, Ohio, plant if glass block demands require more facilities.
Consolidated answer asks antitrust suit dismissal in Fibeglas monopoly action of government against Owens-Corning, Owens-Illinois and Corning.
Kimble Glass division of Owens-Illinois announces it will start production of 16-inch direct-view television bulb early next year.
Owens-Illinois combines two engineering branches of the closure and plastics division into a single department.