[Trade Journal]
Publication: Glass Factory Year Book and Directory
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
p. 167-186, col. 1
Outstanding Events In Glass Industry
Of the Nation During the Year 1946
Randolph H. Barnard, former executive vice president and director of Owens-Illinois Glass Company, announces formation of a new glass company of which he is president and manager.
Roy C. Packard, formerly in the advertising department of Owens-Illinois Glass, joins advertising and merchandising staff of Libbey division of firm.
John C. McLaughlin returns to Libbey Glass division of Owens-Illinois after three and a half years with the Eighth Air Force.
L. G. Phillips resumes with Owens-Illinois Glass as manager of closure sales division following service in the Navy.
Owens-Illinois develops new Duraglas coffee jar and a special high-speed vacuumizing machine which processes the jar.
War Assets Administration announces sale to Owens-Illinois of Aviation Corporation's Northern Aircraft Products division plant, Toledo, for $300,000. The building is to be used as a development and research laboratory.
Owens-Illinois is given approval to build new plant for production of Insulux products. Site is not made public.
Dr. Charles F. Shook, retired colonel in the Army Medical Corps, is appointed to the newly created post of medical director of Owens-Illinois Glass.
Government announces new antitrust suit filed against Owens-Illinois in San Francisco Federal Court, charging that practices of the firm in leasing the machinery it manufactures for vacuum-packing in glass containers create a monoply [sic] monopoly in the glass container and closure business.
Libbey Glass division of Owens-Illinois names John P. Kearney and James Logue to the technical staff, and L. E. Durholt to the sales force.
Arthur E. Rauch, 45, assistant comptroller of Owens-Illinois Glass, dies in his Toledo home.
Don McAnally, former newspaper man, is assigned to publicity in the sales promotion department of Owens-Illinois, and Roy B. Bradley, who served the retail drug trade for 17 years, is named divisional merchandising manager in the department.
Howard A. Trumbull, sales promotion manager of the glass container division, Owens-Illinois Glass, is leaving the company to enter business as a consumer research consultant.
Owens-Illinois Glass acquires business and assets of Kimble Glass Company of Vineland, N. J. Col. Evan E. Kimble, founder and for many years head of the firm, is elected a member of the Owens-Illinois board.
El Herron of the industrial relations department of Owens-Illinois, resigns to accept post of industrial relations director of Glass Fibers, Inc.
Libbey Glass division of Owens-Illinois advances William M. Beckler to manager of table glassware, and Kenneth C. White, Libbey's general sales manager, is made sales promotion manager of the glass container division of Owens-Illinois.
Owens-Illinois develops new line of plastic closures in color.
Libbey Glass division of Owens-Illinois lets contract for $75,000 addition to the Ash Street, Toledo plant.
Owens-Illinois announces plans to complete container research and development center near downtown Toledo.
Owens-Illinois elevates Nelson M. Snyder to manager of trade advertising of the sales promotion department. He succeeds Robert L. Lowrie, resigned.
Owens-Illinois enters consent judgment in United States District Court at San Francisco, closing government's new case against concern. Government charged glass firm had improperly required lessees of its vacuum-packing machinery to use only glass containers made by Owens-Illinois.
Famous cut-glass punch bowl, made especially for St. Louis Exposition of 1904 by Libbey Glass division of Owens-Illinois, is presented by firm to Toledo Museum of Art for permanent public display.
Richard A. Cosh, chief engineer of Owens-Illinois, is made manager of firm's eastern factories.
Kent S. Uphan is made manager of prepared foods division of Owens-Illinois Glass.