[Trade Journal]
Publication: Glass Factory Year Book and Directory
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
p. 168-181, col. 1
Outstanding Events In Glass Industry
Of the Nation During the Year 1944
New vacation-with-pay plan of Owens-Illinois Glass Company affects 9,615 hourly workers.
The Libbey Glass Company and Owens-Illinois Pacific Coast Company became divisions of Owens-Illinois Glass Company. John H. Wright, former head of Libbey, and H. S. Wade, former president of the Coast concern, are made vice presidents of Owens-Illinois.
Owens-Illinois Glass Company opens new factory at Waco, Texas, with 300,000 bottles daily output.
J. P. Levis, president of Owens-Illinois Glass Company, announces current glass container production as 70 per cent above normal.
Owens-Illinois Glass Company starts campaign in own plants for conserving bottles.
Randolph H. Barnard, vice president of the Owens-Illinois Glass Company, is appointed to the Labor, Management, Private Enterprise and Public Activities Committee of the American Legion's Commission on Post-war America.
B. C. Root, former Owens-Illinois Glass Company vice president, dies in a Detroit hospital after an illness of several weeks. He was 65 years old.
An estimated 10,000 citizens from central Texas, and guests from many parts of the nation, inspect the new Waco, Texas, Owens-Illinois plant, following formal dedication ceremonies.
Charles S. Shone, Washington manager of the Hires Turner Glass Company, resigns to go with Owens-Illinois Glass Company.
Howard A. Trumbull, manager of the merchandising division of Owens-Illinois Glass Company, declares that research has been the most vital factor in bringing the glass industry to its present high peak.
Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corporation and the Libbey Glass Division of Owens-Illinois Glass Company are among companies sponsoring the 100 best war advertisements in 1943, it is announced.
R. H. Barnard resigns as executive vice president and member of the board of directors of Owens-Illinois Glass Company.
F. J. Solon, vice president and director of sales of Owens-Illinois Glass Company, leaves for Washington to become temporary member of WPB.
F. J. Solon of Owens-Illinois Glass Company, on leave in Washington, is made head of WPB committee on packaging.
Owens-Illinois Glass Company buys 80-acre parcel of land near Atlanta, Ga., as site for twenty-fifth plant. Building plans incomplete.
C. B. Rairdon, assistant treasurer and general credit manager of Owens-Illinois Glass Company, is elected vice president representing the central division of the National Association of Credit Men.
War Department adopts Owens-Illinois Glass Company's new carboy permitting acid shipments by air.
Owens-Illinois Glass Company's retirement plan, in effect for three years, is approved by Treasury Department.
Libbey Glass Division of Owens-Illinois Glass Company announces opening of new sales offices in Philadelphia and Atlanta, with another to open in San Francisco later.
Harold Mayfield, for several years staff member of industrial relations division of Owens-Illinois Glass Company, is appointed personnel director in the firm's general offices.
John Rubley, in charge of recreational work at Owens-Illinois Glass Company, Toledo, is transferred to Waco, Texas, plant in charge of publicity and recreational activities.
A non-metallic glass mine, said to defy detection, is disclosed by Col. J. C. Shouvlin, chief of the United States Army Cincinnati Ordnance District. Glass body mine is manufactured by Insulux Products Division of Owens-Illinois Glass Company. Development of mine body and complete assembly is credited jointly to efforts of Cincinnati Ordnance District under Colonel Shouvlin and engineers of the glass organization.
Carl U. Fauster, merchandising manager of the Libbey Glass Division of Owens-Illinois Glass Company, is named to manage merchandising and advertising for the division, in a new setup offered in the principal operating divisions of Owens-Illinois company.
Thomas K. Almroth, general advertising manager of Owens-Illinois Glass Company, and associated with the organization for nearly 30 years, resigns.
Re-employment plan of Owens-Illinois Glass Company assures jobs to former workers now in service of their country.
Owens-Illinois Glass Company sells O-I Can Company to Continental Can Company.
Libbey Glass Division of Owens-Illinois Glass Company re-establishes its art and design department in expectation of facilitating return to peacetime operations following termination of war contracts.
Eugene F. Bertrand, a sales manager of the Owens-Illinois Glass Company, on loan to the War Production Board for the last six months, is appointed chairman of WPB's Packaging Committee of the Forest Products Bureau. He succeeds Faustin J. Solon, who resigned from the government agency to resume his duties as vice president of Owens-Illinois.