[Trade Journal]
Publication: Directory of Glass Factories and Potteries
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
p. 15,17, col. 1
Pressed and Blown Glass Firms.
A complete list of all firms in the United States operating glass factories on pressed and blown ware is given below, the following index being used to designate class of goods produced:
A, pressed ware: 1, tableware; 2, common tumblers and jellies; 3, gas and electric shades; 4, lamps; 5, novelties; 6, candy jars, etc.; 7, fruit jars or packing goods; 8, stationers' goods.
B, paste mold ware: 1, chimneys; 2, globes and shades; 3, thin tumblers and stem ware; 4, electric bulbs.
C, blown (off hand) ware: 1, chimneys; 2, shades and globes; 3, fish globes and large jars; 4, homeo vial tubing.
D, iron mold ware: 1, lamps and founts; 2, lantern globes; 3, tableware; 4, novelties in plain, opal and colored glass; 5, fruit and candy jars.
E, decorated, engraved, etched or sandblasted ware.
(corrections or additions are solicited.)
Muncie, Ind.:
Hemingray Glass Co., D 125, C 23, A 67, E.