[Trade Journal]
Publication: Church's Musical Visitor
Cincinnati, OH, United States
vol. 12, no. 1, p. 12
Mr. E. P. Murphey, conducted a "Grand Chorus Concert and Musical Festival," at McKeesport, Pa., closing Dec. 1st, in which he had the assistance of Miss Mollie Lynch, soprano, Miss Rena Mouck, alto, Miss Edith Chapman, pianist, and Prof. P. P. Keil, organist, with Prof. S. J. Hemingray, as accompanist. The programs were varied and well chosen, the choruses and solo selections being of a high order. Prof. Murphey is an estimable gentleman who is doing good work in his chosen field, a fine base singer who will be pleasantly remembered as the leading base at Chautauqua last summer. We shall be glad to hear further of the work in which he is engaged.