[Trade Journal]
Publication: American Druggist and Pharmaceutical Record
New York, NY, United States
vol. 37, no. 2, p. 52, col. 3
To Make Bottles by Machinery.
The Grote Bottle Machine Company,, of New York City, was incorporated at Trenton recently with a capital of $500,000. The directors are Charles A. Tatum, of Whitall, Tatum & Co.; Wm. Brookfield, of the Bushwick Glass Works, and Ludwig Grote, the Inventor.
The new machine will, it is thought, revolutionize the process of making bottles, for by its aid the necessity of a glass blower is entirely done away with. Both Mr. Tatum and Mr. Brookfield, who are among the largest bottle manufacturers in the East, are enthusiastic on the subect.
When seen at his office in the St. Paul Building, New York, Mr. Brookfield said:
"Here is a specimen of the kind of bottle that the Grote machine turns out. I saw it made by the machine in Germany, at a little place near Munich, and it has stood alongside of my desk for many months without getting broken. It is as good a bottle as we can make over here, and it seems to be much stronger.
"Whether the machine will be as well adapted for the making of the smaller bottles — medicine vials, etc., is still an open question, but we believe it will. The doing away with the blower means a great lessening of expense, and both Mr. Tatum and I believe we have struck a good thing. But then our placing our money in the enterprise proves that. As for the inventor, he, too, shows what he thinks of it by taking a fourth interest in the company instead of any amount in cash."
Mr. Brookfield willingly related the history of the invention. He had heard of it about a year, ago, and that the machine was in successful operation in both Germany and Russia. He Immediately took steamer for Europe, and visited Mr. Grote at the factory, where he saw that all he had been told of the invention was true. As soon as Mr. Grote could leave Germany he came over here, and a number of interesting and highly successful experiments had been made at Whitall, Tatum & Co.'s factories at Millville, N. J., with the result that on the 12th inst, the necessary papers were filed at Trenton, and the new company incorporated under the laws of the State of New Jersey.
"We are going to try," said Mr. Brookfield, in conclusion, "to have one of the new machines ready for work in the fall. We shall put them in our own factories, and if our competitors want them shall make more, and let them out on royalty. Of course, we understand that the entire matter is still in an experimental stage, but we have every faith in its ultimate success."