[Trade Journal]
Publication: Glass and Pottery World
Chicago, IL, United States
vol. 11, no. 7, p. 13, col. 1
The Trenton Porcelain Company has been practically tied up for several weeks because of a strike involving nine dippers who quit work because of a difference relative to wages. The men claim that the company seeks to cut the price of certain dies from 90 cents to 75 cents and to pay 75 cents for a new die of larger size than has been made for that money. The firm claims that the men demanded an increase of wages which was refused because the pressers were receiving all they were worth as unskilled labor. About forty men have been idle as a result of the strike but new men have been engaged to replace several of the strikers. George Fisher, a non-union dust presser, employed at the Trenton Porcelain Works, was struck on the head with a piece of plaster of paris the day after the strike started and the missile is said to have been thrown by one of the strikers after he had persisted in returning to work. The man sustained a serious cut on the head. The police have been called on once or twice to disperse the strikers who have congregated in front of the works but no serious trouble is anticipated. The strike is still going on.