[Trade Journal]
Publication: Pottery & Glassware Reporter
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
p. 14, col. 1-2
That the executive committee of the National Flint and Lime Glass Association did a wise thing in selecting Cape May, N. J., as the location of their annual convention this year was the universal verdict the members and your correspondent, as they emerged from the cars on Tuesday evening the 16th inst., covered in dust, and with the sweat of which resulted from a 95 in the shade heat. Many of the members had brought their wives and other members of their families with them, to whom the cool invigorating breezes of the ocean made a very pleasant change from the dust and heat of the cars.
Congress Hall, having just opened for the season, had the members of the association for tis first guests and Colonel Charles Duffy, the proprietor, attended to their comfort in a manner that reflected credit upon both the hotel and its management.
The meeting was called to order on Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock by the president, and upon the roll being called the following firms were found to be present or represented:
Adams & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Ętna Glass Co., Bellaire Ohio.
Bellaire Goblet Co., Bellaire, Ohio.
Belmont Glass Works, Bellaire, Ohio.
Boston & Sandwich Glass Co., Boston.
Brox & Buckley, Port Jervis.
Bryce Bros., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Buckeye Glass Co., Martin's Ferry, Ohio.
Campbell, Jones & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Central Glass Co., Wheeling, W. Va.
Corning Glass Co., Corning N. Y.
Crescent Glass Works, Pittsburg, Pa.
C. Dorflinger & Sons, White Mills, Pa.
Doyle & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Geo. Duncan & Sons, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Elson Glass Co., Martin's Ferry, Ohio.
Excelsior Flint Glass Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Gill Bros., Steubenville, Ohio.
Gillinder & Sons. Philadelphia, Pa.
Gill & Murray, Philadelphia, Pa.
Hemingray Glass Co., Cincinnati, Ohio.
Hobbs, Bruckunier & Co., Wheeling, W. Va.
King, Son & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Lantern Globe Co., Bellaire, Ohio.
Meriden Flint Glass Co., Meriden, Conn.
Mt. Washington, Glass Co., New Bedford, Mass.
New England Glass Co., Boston, Mass.
O'Hara Glass Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Ripley & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Riverside Glass Co., Wellsburg, W. Va.
Rodefer Bros., Bellaire, Ohio.
Rohrbacher & Hormann, Philadelphia, Pa.
The Canton Glass Co., Canton, Ohio.
Empire Glass Works, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Union Flint Glass Co., Boston, Mass.
After the reading of last year's minnutes the election of officers was proceeded with, and resulted as follows:
Fred S. Shirley, Mt. Washington Glass Works, New Beford Mass., president; Thos. Evans, Crescent Glass Works, Pittsburgh, Pa., vice-president; J J. Gill, Gill Bros., Steubenville, Ohio, secretary and treasurer. The usual votes of thanks were made and responded to by the retiring officers.
After dinner the convention took into consideration the question of charges on packages and limit of discounts to the jobbers and the trade generally. Resolutions were unanimously passed relating to these subjects, and various committees were appointed to take action on matters for the general good of the trade, the further cementing of the members of the association together, and the protection of their mutual interests. No special legislation on any point was dealt with, but the large representation were very harmonious in their discussions, and the meeting together in the common interest cannot but prove of benefit to the industries represented, and the glass trade generally. In the evening the members of the association with their ladies partook of the following:
Cape May Salts on Shell.
Consomme Imperial.
Boiled Snapping Turtle. Oyster Sauce.
Potato Parisienne. Cucumber Salad.
Roulade of Beef, Sauce Piquate.
Tenderloin of Beef, with Mushrooms. Spring Chicken. Giblet Sauce.
Spring Lamb Chops. Jardinere.