[Trade Journal]
Publication: American Flint
Toledo, OH, United States
vol. 7, no. 1, p. 23,47, col. 1,1-2
The Dominion Glass Company resumed operations on Tuesday, September 7th, with quite an increase in the flint department, which now consists of thirty-six chimney, two punch, two paste mould, and two iron mould shops, one chimney machine, and two punch machines. Most of the men filling these newly created places are former members of Local Union No. 24 of Montreal, Canada, and while the writer is not acquainted with all of them he joins the old members of Local Union No. 70 in extending to these brothers a hearty welcome.
On October 3d, Local Union No. 70 held a very interesting meeting at which the following officers were elected: David McLaren, president; T. Holston, vice president; T. Robinson, secretary-treasurer; C. Schaff, corresponding secretary; Joe Demurs, Frank Gillard and George Ferrett, trustees.
The stork again visited Wallaceburg and while here the gay old bird did not overlook the glass workers, for he entered the homes of H. Watson and J. Demars and left each of these brothers a fine baby girl. But the sly old fellow is apparently not satisfied with his work, however, as he has been seen fluttering about in a most suspicious manner, and I wouldn't be a bit surprised to see some more of our members passing the cigars around in the near future.
The many friends of James Rabbitt will no doubt be glad to learn of his return from the European war. Brother Rabbitt enlisted at Chatham, Ontario. He was a member of the first battalion and was sent to England with the first contingent He was in the battles at Yyres, St. Julian and many others of less importance. He was wounded at La Basse by shrapnel on June 15th. Since then he has been in hospitals in France and England. On his return to Canada he was a passenger on the ill-fated steamer Hesperian, which was torpedoed off he coast of Ireland, September 4th. He has been honorably discharged from the service and will again take up his work as chimney maker in the near future.