[Trade Journal]
Publication: Electrical World
New York, NY, United States
vol. 64, no. 24, p. 1170, col. 1
Porcelain Knob.—A reversible square knob has recently been developed by the Illinois Electric Porcelain Company, Macomb, Ill. This knob differs from other reversible square knobs in that a curved wireway is provided which is said to draw the wires tighter than ordinary wireways do. The knob is equipped with a heavy shoulder which gives it strength at the weakest point. The above company is also making a porcelain knob which has been designed by the Snyder Hunt Company, of Belle Plaine, Ia. This knob will carry rubber-covered wire in sizes up to and including No. 8. With this knob a whole line can be run through a building and the wire pulled through the hole and drawn tight afterward.