[Trade Journal]
Publication: Pottery & Glassware Reporter
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
p. 17, 18, col. 1-2, 1
The construction and general features of the Globe fruit jar, manufactured by the HEMINGRAY GLASS CO., Covington, Ky., will at once convince the consumer of its absolute perfection and reliability as a self-sealer. These important points, attained only in the Globe, commend it as being the most convenient, and, in fact, the only common sense jar in the market. No especial directions for sealing are necessary. All that is required is to place the gum ring on the shoulder of the jar, after both have been properly cleansed; then put on the glass top and turn down the eccentric lever and you will have a jar which we will guarantee perfectly air-tight if the simple instructiuons are carried out, as given above. The fruit does not come in contact with either metal or rubber. It defies criticism on the very point which makes other jars a failure. Its simple method of sealing at once wins your confidence, and its perfection as an air-tight jar secures you against loss and dread of disappointment. An examination will convince the most skeptical of its merits and superiority, and we we can, with sincerity, recommend it as a triumph of skill and simplicity never attained before in an article of this kind. Its sale last year was very large though it met with determined opposition from the makers of the old fashioned and effete jars, those Bourbons of the trade who never forget and never learn anything. The numerous testimonials to the efficiency of this jar, printed elsewhere, will convince the most skeptical mind of tis value. Most fruit jars are air tight if properly sealed. How to seal them is the difficulty and it requires long experience and skill to render the ordinary jar air-tight; in fact, the amount of fruit and sugar wasted every year by their use is immense. But with the Globe it is altogether different. Fill your jar, turn a little lever and you may then relieve your mind of any further anxiety in the matter, as that jar is perfectly sealed, and you will find your fruit fresh and in prime condition whenever you come to open it. Dealers can unhesitatingly recommend these jars. The vast majority of housewives are not skilled in intricate mechanical devices and want something simple. They have it here, and they will buy it when they see it.