[Trade Journal]
Publication: Pottery & Glassware Reporter
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
p. 14, col. 1-2
The season for fruit jars being now at hand, it behooves dealers in them to have such goods in stock as will meet the wishes of consumers fully. The great trouble with most jars is that the large majority of people who use them, outside of professional fruit packers, are unable to close them properly, so that in many cases the fruit goes to waste and the time, trouble and expense involved in getting and preparing it all go for nothing. Housewives follow the directions given implicitly and put away their fruit in full confidence, and when they come to examine it subsequently, they find that it has soured and is utterly valueless. Complicated devices for securing fruit jars lids are not what people want. They require something at once efficacious and simple and in the Globe Fruit Jar, manufactured by the HEMINGRAY GLASS CO., Covington, Ky., they will find these qualities in a pre-eminent degree. By placing the top in position and then turning a little lever over once, the jar is made perfectly air tight and need not thereafter be the subject of any solicitude whatever. A child can do this, because it requires no screwing, force or mechanical skill to turn the lever. The firm have received thousands of testimonials from users in commendation of this jar and everyone likes it because it is simple and secure. This jar cannot help selling well, because its merits are apparent to anyone on inspection and dealers will not have to waste time in explaining its workings, because they are so simple and effective as to need no elucidation. The Hemingray Glass Co., are prepared to receive orders for these jars now and with their large facilities will fill all orders promptly.