[Trade Journal]
Publication: American Glass Trade Directory
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
p. 8-9, 14-15, col. 1
This directory contains a complete list of press and blownware plants in the United States and Canada, active or temporarily out of operation. The letter "f" is given for furnace and "p" for pots, as: 1 f, 16 p., means one furnace of 16 pots. The letters "c t" mean a continuous tank and "d t," day tank. The letter "r" designates ring holes, indicating the approximate capacity. A star (*) means plant out of blast when directory was issued.
Key letters and numbers will be found at the end of each paragraph — Index to factories by states on pages 5 and 6.
Key for Bottle Factories.
The capital A means flint glass is made; B green, C amber, D blue, E opal, F dark green. The figures following these letters designate in a general way the lines of ware made, viz: 1 signifies prescription, druggists, perfumers, or proprietary medicine ware; 2, beers, sodas, minerals; 3, wines, brandies and flasks; 4, milk jars; 5, fruit jars; 6, machine made jars and bottles, packers or preservers ware; 7, vault and prism lights; 8, insulators; 9, turn mold ware; 0, carboys and large water bottles; letter Z, Owens machine ware.
Key for Press and Blownware Plants.
G indicates that a general line of pressware is manufactured; H, general line of blownware; R, off-hand or paste mold chimneys; J, shades and globes and lighting ware; K, paste mold tumblers, stemware, bar goods, etc.; L, colored ware, decorated ware or novelties; V, cut glass, cutting blanks and artistic glass. X shows plant contains a mold shop.
Company Officials.
Officers of companies indicated as follows: Letter P, means president; S, secretary; T, treasurer; M, factory manager or superintendent.
Whitall Tatum Co., Millville, 8 f, 71 p, 3 c t, 41 r, 6 d t. C. A. Tatum, P; H. V. Brumley, S; J. M. Whitall, T; Geo. S. Bacon, Supt. ABCDE1234567890X.