[Trade Journal]
Publication: American Glass Trade Directory
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
p. 9-10,15,17, col. 1
Press and blownware plants in the United States and Canada, active or temporarily out of operation.
The letter "f" is for furnace and "p" for pots, as 1 f, 16 p, means one furnace of 16 pots capacity. The letters "c t" mean a continuous tank and "d t," day tank. The letter "r" designates ring holes, indicating the approximate capacity. A star (*) means plant out of blast when directory was issued.
Key for Bottle Factories.
The capital A means flint glass is made; B green, C amber, D blue, E opal, F dark green. The figure following these letters designate in a general way the lines of ware made, viz: 1, signifies prescription, druggists, perfumers, or proprietary medicine ware; 2, beers, sodas, minerals; 3, wines, brandies and flasks; 4, milk jars; 5, fruit jars; 6, packers or preservers ware, machine-made jars and bottles; 7, vault and prism lights; 8, insulators; 9, turn mold ware; 0, carboys and large water bottles; letter Y, semi-automatic machines; Z, Owens machines.
Key for Press and Blownware Plants.
G indicates that pressed ware is manufactured; H, blownware; J, shades, globes, lighting ware; K, paste mold tumblers, stemware, bar goods, etc.; L, colored ware, decorated ware or novelties; N, cut glass, cutting blanks, or artistic glass; R, off-hand or paste mold lamp chimneys; U, druggists, confectioners, stationers or photographers' supplies. X shows that the plant contains a mold shop.
Company Officials.
Following names of officers the letter P, means President; V P, vice president; S, Secretary; T, Treasurer; M, factory manager or superintendent.
[Note — Key numbers and letters will be found at the end of each paragraph. Index to companies by states on pages 5 and 6.]
Brookfield Glass Co., Old Bridge, 2 c t. H. M. Brookfield, P; Arthur Lockwood, S; Frank Brookfield, T. B8. (No report.)
*Brookfield Glass Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. and Old Bridge, N. J., 3 c t, 30 r. H. M. Brookfield, P; F. Brookfield, S & T.