[Trade Journal]
Publication: American Glass Trade Directory
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
p. 11,12, col. 1
Press and Blownware Plants in the United
States and Canada, Active or Tem-
porarily Out of Operation.
List of companies arranged alphabetically in the Pressed and Blown, Cut Glass, Bottle, Window, Plate Glass, and Cast and Rolled departments.
We aim to make this Directory concise and accurate - not voluminous - so that it will be of practical service to busy men - a Vest Pocket Edition in name and in fact. - The Publishers.
NOTE - The capacity of plants is indicated at the end of each paragraph, viz: Letter "f" means furnace and "p" is for pots. The letters "c t" mean a continuous tank and "d t," day tank. The letter "r" designates ring holes, indicating approximate capacity. Letter "x" means plant has a moldmaking shop. A star (*) means plant was closed down when Directory was compiled.
Company Officials.
Following the names of officers the letter P, means president; VP, vice president; S, secretary; T, treasurer; GM, general manager; SM, sales manager, and FM, factory manager.
Brookfield Glass Co., Old Bridge, N. J. H. M. Brookfield, P; A. Lockwood, S; F. Brookfield, T. 2 c. t. (Insulators.)