[Trade Journal]
Publication: Glass Factory Year Book and Directory
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
p. 167-173, col. 1
Outstanding Events In Glass Industry
Of the Nation During the Year 1942
Announcement was made of new Corning Glass Works' unit to be built by the Defense Plants Corporation in West Virginia. No details were permitted. Cost was placed between two and three million dollars.
Amory Houghton, chairman of the board of the Corning Glass Works, named deputy chief of the Bureau of Industrial Branches of the War Production Board.
Glen W. Cole was re-elected president of Corning Glass Works and Amory Houghton again was named chairman of the board.
Amory Houghton, board chairman of Corning Glass Works was named deputy bureau chief of the reorganized Bureau of Industry Operations and its 24 industry branches.
"Shrunk" glass, fashioned into top-of-stove ware that can be placed on a cake of ice and not crack when molten iron is poured into it, was described by J. T. Littleton of Corning Glass Works, at forty-fourth annual meeting of American Ceramic Society.
R. W. Ritter became assistant to President Glen W. Cole of Corning Glass Works.
Amory Houghton, chairman of the board of the Corning Glass Works, resigned from his position as director general for operations of the WPB, one of the five top posts in the war agency. Anxiety to relieve Donald M. Nelson, chairman of WPB, and the board any embarrassment as a result of his company's conviction on an anti-trust charge was given as the reason.
Following Mr. Houghton's resignation, WPB sought authority to permit it to pass on anti-trust cases to be prosecuted, that it might have power to request postponements where valuable time would be lost to the war program by executives called to testify.