[Trade Journal]
Publication: American Flint
Toledo, OH, United States
vol. 7, no. 6, p. 17, col. 1-2
On Wednesday, March 15, George Mathison, one of the old guard, passed away at Muncie, Ind., after an illness extending over a period of many months.
Mr. Mathison was born at Covington, Ky., December 26, 1851, and as a boy entered the employ of the Hemingray Glass Company, where he learned the art of blowing glass. Shortly after the formation of the American Flint Glass Workers Union, the then secretary, John A. Howard, journeyed to Covington where he instituted Local Union No. 23, obligating among others Mr. Mathison, who, ever since has taken an active interest in the affairs of the union, having, in the early days, represented his local in conventions, where his counsel and advice proved to be of much value.
Although an ardent unionist for nearly forty years he had the unique distinction of never having seen his card and of having worked for the same firm for a period of fifty-three years.
This alone speaks volumes for the character of the man and, incidentally, for the well-known fairness of his employers.
When the Hemingray Company moved to Muncie in the late eighties the local union's books and seal were moved also which explains the card matter.
Mr. Mathison, as innumerable friends testify, was a man among men. He was decidedly optimistic, and possessed a jovial, magnetic personality that enabled him to make and retain friends.
To his sunny disposition is attributed the fact that he lived throughout the fall and winter despite a dire affliction which presaged death many months ago.
"Light rest the sod above thee,
Friend of my younger days,
None knew thee but to love thee,
None named thee but to praise.''
The widow and five children are left to cherish the memory of a devoted husband and father. The children are: George, Jr., William and Edward, of Muncie; Mrs. C. R. Clarke, Kokomo, Ind., and Mrs. George Ainge, Springfield, Ohio.
M. J. Clarke.