Publication: The Sun
New York, NY, United States
vol. LIV, no. 149, p. 1, col. 2
The union laborers on J. T. Story's wharves, Walinbout basin, refused to unload scab-loaded coal yesterday. They did not interfere with non-union men employed. On Newtown creek, at the head of Grand street, the coal laborers not only quit work but made a demonstration against the boatmen and the cartmen who stood read to transfer the coal if it were unloaded. A cargo was consigned to the Brookfield glass works near that place. The strikers objected to the employees of the works handling the coal. A force of police from the Graham avenue station drove the strikers from the wharves and allowed the glass works men to get at the coal. They soon quit, however, on the plea that they were not able to handle it. The cartmen on these wharves finally refused to cart the coal unless the boats were unloaded by union men. Probably the men in the glass works would not have used the coal is it had been brought to them. Trouble is expected along the water front on account of the reception of coal by the sugar refineries. The sugar men now ship coal in their own boats and have their own laborers to handle it. It is said that the union men employed in many capacities about these refineries will be called out. Should this report prove true, there is a likelihood that these union men might be able to stop the ferryboats from running by calling out the union men employed on and about the ferries. There is talk of an indignation meeting to be held by friends of the strikers in Grand Army Hall, Badford avenue and North street, Williamsburgh.
The longshoremen at the Brooklyn docks yesterday refused to handle any of the freight that came from the Old Dominion Company, but did not interfere with the green hands at Prentice's and the other stores. More than 600 men were on strike yesterday. Late last night the longshoremen were still in session at their hall in Columbia street and Atlantic avenue.