[Trade Journal]
Publication: Electrical Review and Western Electrician
Chicago, IL, United States
vol. 62, no. 25, p. 1326, col. 1-2
Among the Supply Men
Meeting of Southern Jobbers.
A very interesting meeting of a number of southern jobbers was held at Memphis, Tenn., on Friday and Saturday, June 13 and 14. Among those present were Oscar Turner, president of the Turner Electrical Supply Company, Birmingham, Ala.; Thos. A. Burke, sales manager of the Western Electric Company, Atlanta, Ga.; J. J. Smith, general manager of the Baltimore Electrical Supply Company, Incorporated, Atlanta, Ga.; I. L. Faucett, manager electrical department, James Supply Company, Chattanooga, Tenn.: M. B. Wheeler, general manager, Tel-Electric Company, Houston, Tex.; C. Robert Churchill, president, Electric Appliance Company, New Orleans, La.; M. F. Sterett, Electric Appliance Company, New Orleans, La.; Percy Sterns, Interstate Electric Company, New Orleans, La.; E. C. Jumonville, secretary, Interstate Electric Company, New Orleans, La.; Harvey R. Worthington, H. R. Worthington & Company, Jacksonville, Fla.; William R. Herstein, president, Electric Supply Company, Memphis, Tenn., and H. C. Adams, Woodward, Wight & Company, Limited, New Orleans, La.
The visiting jobbers were W. W. Low, president Electric Appliance Company, Chicago; N. G. Harvey, general manager Illinois Electric Company, Chicago; W. A. Brown, treasurer M. B. Austin & Company, Chicago; F. A. Pierce, manager Manhattan Electrical Supply Company, Chicago; George E. Cullinan, manager Western Electric Company, St. Louis, Mo.; and Wm. H. Xolker, Commercial Electric Supply Company, St. Louis, Mo.
Others in attendance were Bertram M. Downs, Hemingray Glass Company, Covington, Ky.; A. L. Millard, Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company, Chicago; C. R. Hunt, General Electric Company, Chicago, and A. A. Gray, managing editor ELECTRICAL REVIEW AND WESTERN ELECTRICIAN, Chicago. Mr. Hunt acted as an efficient master of transportation for the visiting contingent.
Sessions were held morning and afternoon at the Hotel Gayoso, with Mr. Turner presiding. There was a spirited discussion of matters respecting the relation of the jobber with electrical manufacturers, electrical contractors and with each other. A great deal of very useful information was brought out and arrangements were made for the collection of considerable data for subsequent use in determining the cost of doing business and the relation of profit to gross sales. Mr. Low took a leading part in the discussion and was enthusiastically applauded for his sound logic and the back-stiffening effect of his opinion.
In addition to the serious discussion, Mr. Herstein provided a delightful entertainment program which, in the words of Mr. Downs, demonstrated the "height of hospitality." On Friday evening an Italian dinner was served at Nuvolina's. Following the supper on Friday evening a vaudeville show at East End Park was attended. On Saturday luncheon was served at the Chickasaw Club. The Saturday afternoon program included a boat trip on the Mississippi River and a baseball gatne between teams representing Montgomery and Memphis. Through the courtesy of L. G. Van Ness, general manager of the Merchant's Power Company, the golfers in the party were tendered the privilege of the Memphis Country Club, a feature that was indulged in and enjoyed to the limit. It is expected that the next meeting will be held in October at Chattanooga. Tenn., when reports will be heard from several special committees.