B. M. Downs, W. E. Evans & Frank Brookfield attend Electrical Supply Jobbers' meeting

[Trade Journal]

Publication: Electrical Review and Western Electrician

Chicago, IL, United States
vol. 62, no. 8, p. 406, col. 1-3

Among the Supply Men


Electrical Supply Jobbers'



The midwinter meeting of the Electrical Supply Jobbers' Association was held at the Hotel Lafayette, Buffalo, N. Y., Tuesday and Wednesday, February 11 and 12. It was originally intended to hold another session on Thursday, but prompt attendance at the meetings and vigorous prosecution of business in hand rendered the extra day unnecessary.

Among the matters of immediate importance discussed was the question of the jobbers' attitude with regard to the revision of National Electrical Code rules with reference to refillable fuses. This question has been before the Electrical committee of the National Fire Protection Association and will be up for discussion at the meeting of the electrical committee which will be held at New York March 26 and 27. The general opinion appeared to be opposed to any change in the Code on the enclosed fuse question. As to cost of doing business reports indicated that the average increase during 1912 had been about 0.5 per cent.

Franklin Overbagh was re-elected secretary, and as a tribute to his efficiency for many years in this office the work of treasurer was combined with that of the secretary's office and placed upon his able shoulders. N. G. Harvey, general manager of the Illinois Electric Company, Chicago, was elected chairman of the Central division, and Frank S. Price, secretary and general manager of the Pettingell Andrews Company, Boston, was eleced chairman of the Atlantic Division. The plans of the Society for Electrical Development, Incorporated, were presented by W. E. Robertson, general manager of the Robertson-Cataract Company, Buffalo. Mr. Robertson is one of the incorporators of the Society and with W. W. Low, Chicago; Gerard Swope, New York; F. S. Price, Boston, and Roger Scudder, St. Louis, represents the Jobbers on the board of directors. There were over three hundred jobbers and manufacturers in attendance, among whom were the following:

H. C. Adams, Pawtucket; W. L. Adams, Providence; S. H. Anderson, Pittsburgh.

A. E. Beling, Pittsburgh; J. H. Burns, Buffalo; E. G. Bernard, Troy; J. B. Baker, New York; F. C. Barrington, New York; William A. Browne, Chicago; E. Bartram, Philadelphia; F. S. Baldwin, New York; F. M. Bernardin, Kansas City; F. V. Burton, Bridgeport; A. Hall Berry, New York; Frank Brookfield, New York; W. F. Bissell, Toledo; P. F. Bauder, Cleveland; F. R. Bryant. Chicago; T. H. Bibber, New York; C. F. Boynton, New York; H. A. Brereton, Buffalo.

Oscar Carman, Indianapolis; C. M. Crofoot, Cincinnati; N. C. Cotabish, Cleveland; H. H. Cudmore, Cleveland; M. F. Cronin, Chicago; C. E. Corrigan, Pittsburgh; LeRoy Clark, Englewood; H. B. Crouse, Syracuse; S. B. Condit, Jr., Boston; S. A. Chase, Pittsburgh; W. H. Colman, Chicago; W. P. Crockett, Chicago; J. H. Cudmore, Cleveland.

F. L. Dunbar, Bristol; P. S. Dodd. New York; W. J. Doherty, Montreal; B. B. Downs, St. Paul; A. E. Durin, Cedar Rapids; T. M. Debevoise, New York; L. N. Downes, Providence; B. M. Downs, Covington; J. W. Demieh, Philadelphia; V. R. Despard, Chicago; J. C. Dallam, Schenectady; T. E. Devine, Buffalo.

A. P. Eckert, New York; R, Edwards, Jr., New York; J. B. Esterbrook. Warren; G. W. Elliott, New York; W. E. Evans, Covington; C. L. Eshleman, Cleveland.

F. R. Fortune, Pittsburgh; H. C. Farnsworth, Boston.

J. M. Griffin, Schenectady: W. M. Gloeckner, Philadelphia; Edward R. Grier, Hartford; A. C. Garrison, St. Louis; H. L. Grant, Chicago; Thomas G. Grier, Chicago;

H. S. Greene, Cleveland; L. Griesser, Cleveland; R. E. Gorton, Warren; G. C. Griffing, Milwaukee; L. V. Garron, Philadelphia; A. A. Gray, Chicago; A. A. Guardia, Chicago.

F. M. Hawkins, New York; C. L. Hight, New York; H. H. Hornsby, New York; E. H. Haughton, Chicago; C. R. Hunt, Chicago; W. R. Herstein, Memphis; H. W. Hall, Richmond; C. A. Harding, Chicago; C. B. Hawley, Salt Lake City; N. G. Harvey, Chicago; J. W. Ham, Sohenectady; E. B. Hatch, Hartford; C. I. Hills, Hartford; S. A. Hobson, Chicago; W. M. Hoagland, Chicago; H. W. Hoover, New Berlin; F. W. Howard, Pittsburgh.

G. V. W. Ingham, Chicago.

R. M. Jones, Chicago; J. G. Johannesen, Baltimore; R. L. Jaynes, Pittsburgh.

W. B. Kinkead, New York; H. B. Kirkland, Pittsburgh; Frank Kuhn, Detroit; P. S. Klees, Hartford; F. A. Ketcham, Chicago; L. W. Kittman, Chicago; George C. Knott, Montreal; Basil G. Kodjbanoff. New York; L. H. Keeler, New York; F. D. Killion, Chicago; E. B. Kittle, Chicago.

A. W. Lindgren, Duluth: W. F. Lewis, Pittsburgh; W. W. Low, Chicago; Arthur Lockwood, New York; A. M. Little, Syracuse; P. F. Lyons, Chicago.

H. P. Moore, Newburyport; F. D. Masterson, Boston; C. S. McKinstry, Cleveland, C. G. McGreevy, Syracuse; Max McGraw, Sioux City; E. B. Mallory, New York; J. H. McGill, Valparaiso; L. T. Mulner, Cincinnati; W. N. Matthews, St. Louis; J. R. McNaughton, Detroit; H. F. MacGuyer, Providence; W. H. McCombs, Pittsburgh; J. B. McCarthy, Detroit; Albert Mann, Boston.

E. E. Nash, Warren.

M. A. Oberlander, New York; Franklin Overbagh, Chicago.

J. P. Provost, Pittsburgh; D. T. Pierce, New York; J. A. Pizzini, New York; L. F. Philo, Buffalo; W. T. Pringle, Philadelphia; H. E. Page, Hartford; C. McKew Parr, Hartford; G. L. Patterson, New York; J. D. Presbrey, Cleveland; R. H. Phillips, New York; F. S. Price, Boston; A. D. Page, Newark; F. L. Pardee, Buffalo.

C. Russell, Albany; James Richardson, Minneapolis; W. B. Robertson, Buffalo; J. D. Robertson, Buffalo; C. W. Ridinger, Pittsburgh; E. W. Rockafellow, New York; T. C. Ringgold, Chicago; K. G. Rennie, St. Joseph; J. H. Rogers, Pittsburgh.

Henry D. Sears, Boston; Frank Stout, Plainfield; E. M. Scribner, Chicago; A. J. Selzer, Chicago; E. A. Seabury, Omaha; L. O. Schwab, Chicago; F. F. Skeel, Chicago; C. C. Sibley, New York; B. E. Salisbury, Syracuse; B. H. Scranton, Detroit: Eugene Smith, Cincinnati; Herbert Sinclair, Trenton; W. D. Steele, Chicago; H. I. Sackett, Syracuse; E. B. Strong, San Francisco; J. M. Smith, Cleveland.

W. J. Tonkin, Providence; J. H. Trumbull, Hartford; G. L. Thompson, Philadelphia; F. B. Thompson, St. Paul; F. Tresselt. New York.

J. A. Vaughan, Philadelphia.

L. A. Woolley, Buffalo; J. A. Worth, Milwaukee; C. D. Wilkinson, Minneapolis; H. L. Walker, Detroit; A. E. Williams, Warren; H. R. Worthington, Jacksonville; James Wolff, Chicago; W. Weiss, St. Paul; Bruce Wetmore, Boston; Glenn C. Webster, Conneaut; A. B. Wilson, Conneaut; R. L Wildauer, Chicago.

On Tuesday evening 37 neophites were initiated, into the Jovian Order at a rejuvenation held at Scottish Rite Hall, some two hundred and fifteen Jovians being in attendance. The floor work was well done, and after the rejuvenation a cabaret entertainment and supper was given in the grill of the Lafayette Hotel. The vaudeville topliners were ably assisted by "Billy" Robertson and "Cuddy."

The next meeting will be held at Chicago May 26, 27 and 28. "Nate" Harvey, as chairman of the Central Division, has already started naming committees, and as a special feature is planning a sham battle on Lake Michigan. Other features are being suggested every day, to be announced later on.


Keywords:Hemingray : Brookfield : Bertram M. Downs
Researcher notes: 
Supplemental information: 
Researcher:Bob Stahr
Date completed:October 9, 2010 by: Bob Stahr;