Publication: The Pittsburg Dispatch
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
vol. 46, p. 2, col. 6
Some Republicans Think They Can Elect a
Governor in Kentucky.
Dan Hemingray, a Covington glass manufacturer, is at the Monongahela House. His stalwart Republicanism has earned for him the sobriquet, "The Mayor of Kentucky." He takes a great deal of interest in politics, and on this subject said:
"Some of the Republicans in Kentucky hope to elect their Governor this fall, but I am not so sanguine. The new Constitution will furnish considerable campaign material. The Republicans made a big hit by indorsing it at their convention, but since then the Democratic Executive Committee has taken similar action. Kentucky at present is a hopelessly Democratic State, bat we are working away, slowly reducing the majority. The industrial development is bringing in new people of persuasion, and in time we hope to change the tide. The Farmers' Alliance is strong in Kentucky, and will cut into the Democratic ranks. Carlisle could get the delegation for President if he wants it, but he realizes that Kentucky is too far south. Cleveland has lost some popularity on account of his anti-free silver utterances. A full State ticket will be elected this fall, and the people are taking a great deal of interest in the contest"