[Trade Journal]
Publication: Electrical World and Engineer
New York, NY, United States
vol. 35, no. 12, p. 457, col. 2
PASS & SEYMOUR, of Syracuse, N. Y., are now installed in their new factory. The plant is located within 20 feet of the New York Central Railroad. A side track runs right along the whole southern side of the factory, giving ample and convenient shipping facilities. The factory has three floors, with plenty of light and room, and is heated by exhaust steam. There are two kilns, of very large capacity; another kiln is soon to be built. As an evidence of the foresight of this company a fireproof vault has been built, where the dies are stored. If the factory should burn down, they could be in operation inside of 60 days. All the Pass & Seymour insulating specialties are made here. As Mr. Salisbury, the able and thorough manager of this company, said: "We manufacture everything we sell—we don't buy the pieces and put them together and call that manufacturing." The fact that the business of this company has increased 400 per cent, within the past two years is an evidence that they make something that the trade wants. One unique thing in the office of this company is a Columbia phonograph. Mr. Salisbury uses this for dictation. He is very enthusiastic in his praise of this machine. "It is time and money saved, to say nothing about its convenience," he said. "I can keep two stenographers busy all day by dictating to this machine, and then handing the cylinders over to them for translating into letters. It is a wonder to me why more offices don't use them."