Publication: The Fairmount News
Fairmount, IN, United States
Fairmount Becoming Known Abroad.
The National Glass Budget, of Pittsburg, the official organ of the Flint Glass Workers Union, in a recent issue contained the following reference to Fairmount and the window glass factory lately secured for our city through the efforts of the Fairmount Land and Gas Co.
Owing to the decrease in the pressure of the natural gas wells at Spiceland, Ind., the Spiceland Window Glass Company were compelled to put out their fires on March 14. — Since then they have relocated their factory at Fairmount, Ind., right in the heart of the gas belt. They will change the name of their factory to the "Big Four Window Glass Co.," in honor of the four largest gas wells in Indiana which are located there, namely "Jumbo," "Gas Co.'s No. 1," "Dillon," and "Citizens." Of these only two are in use, Gas Co.'s No. 1 and Dillon, and these supply the town of 2,000 inhabitants, two bottle works, (tank furnaces) two grist mills, saw mill, stave mill, excelsior factory, table factory, elevator planing mills, machine shop, brick works and several other factories. After furnishing all the gas connected with these industries and town the wells show but a trifle less pressure than when shut in and not in use. — They will increase their capacity by adding two pots, building two 6-pot furnaces instead of one 10-pot furnace, and expect to be ready for operation by Sept. 1.