Publication: The Fairmount News
Fairmount, IN, United States
Factories at Fairmount.
The Marion Chronicle of Saturday makes the following reference to the important to-be industries of Fairmount:
The canning factory at Fairmount in which Ed. Caldwell and Lin Scott of this city hold an interest, is now being enclosed, and when the works open about the first of September, will employ 150 women and men in putting out an annual product of 10,000,000 cans of tomatoes and corn. The plant is to consist of one main building, 116x36 and two stories high, annex, 80x36 one and one-half stories and a boiler room of brick 34x24, besides 3,000 feet of shed and storage space. The factory will be run by a 50 horse power engine and two boilers of 45 horse power each. The proprietors are at present seriously considering a new idea if the plate mills at Gas City prove all that they are represented — they will without doubt put in machinery and necessary apparatus for making their own cans. They will at present purchase their supply from the Dugdale Can Co., of Indianapolis. Besides the canning factory two fruit jar industries, which will be in operation by the opening of the autumn fires, are now being pushed to completion. They are the Big Four factory of 100 men and the Tigner factory which employs 75 workmen.
The two glass factories referred to, or supposed to be meant, are not jar works. One is the Big Four Window Glass Works, which will employ between 125 and 150 hands and the Tigner, or King City Bottle and Oil Can Works, which will employ 125 hands.