Publication: The Fairmount News
Fairmount, IN, United States
Marion Chronicle — Monday night at the Spencer house a company was organized to operate the paper mill in North Marion, which was purchased in the afternoon at the receiver's sale by J. Wood Wilson, of the glass fruit jar manufacturing firm of Wilson & McCulloch. The company was organized and papers were today filed with the secretary of state at Indianapolis incorporating the company at $30,000. The stockholders are Messrs. J. Wood Wilson, J. L. McCulloch, M. W. Coate and W. W. McCleery, of this city; Richard Rudel and A. A. Charles, of Kokomo, and H. A. Gable and F. B. Zeigler, of Fairmount. The officers were elected as follows: President, J. Wood Wilson; secretary, M. W. Coate; treasurer and general manager, H. A. Gable.