[Trade Journal]
Publication: The Electrical Engineer
New York, NY, United States
vol. 18, no. 337, p. 321, col. 1,2
The accompanying illlustrations show the new straight under-running trolley frogs and crossings and section insulators of Messrs. Albert & J. M. Anderson, 289 to 293 A street, Boston. Every engineer who is familiar with the construction and operation of the trailer tystem, knows the value of a practical, straight under-running frog and crossing
Fig. 1. |
to avoid the dipping and consequent sparking of the trolley wheel in passing under them, as well as the tendency to jump the wire at these places. It is an easy matter to make a frog that is straight under running bafore it is subjected to the strain of the trolley wire, but by a careful investigation of the needs in this direction, and a number of experiments,
Fig. 2. |
this firm have devised a construction, Figs, 1, 2 and 3, that is strong and will not, it is claimed, buckle under the line tension, but will remain flush under-running. It is not heavy or clumsy, and is so constructed that no soldering is necessary.
Fig. 3. |
A prominent engineer of one of the largest electrical railroads has remarked concerning these frogs and crossings, that they are the greatest improvement in trolley line fixtures that he has noted for some time.
Fig. 4. |
The new section insulator, Fig. 4, which is also flush under-running, is made for permanent construction.