Westinghouse issues brochure showing glass house

[Trade Journal]

Publication: The Electrical Engineer

New York, NY, United States
vol. 18, no. 325, p. 79,80, col. 1,2







THE WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC AND MFG. CO., have issued a very interesting little brochure in regard to their stopper lamp. It containts cuts, now familiar, showing details of the lamp, and has one or two nice little views of the lamp factory, one being the glasshouse and the other the machine on which the stoppers are molded. A neat halftone is also given of the "Columbus" illumination in Electricity Building at the Fair, executed in stopper lamps.

Reference is made in the text to the manner in which the Edison lamp patent on the all-glass globe form expires in November, 1894; and statistics are cited in connection with the use of stopper lamps at the World's Fair. With regard to the lamp itself, which has already been illustrated and described in these columns, the pamphlet says: —

"The very wide experience of this Company in the development of the incandescent lamp has given us a thorough knowledge of the requirements for a successful and popular lamp, and the Westinghouse stopper lamp, we offer to the public, feeling confident that it is beyond question superior to any lamp heretofore brought to its notice. Up to the time of the introduction of the two part lamp by this company, the old all-glass type was believed to be the only practicable form, but the perfection, by this company, of a lamp made in two distinct parts, has solved the problem, not only of a better lamp, but one that can be manufactured at a lower cost. In the manufacture of our new lamps we have made radical departures from the old type and it is through the adoption of these changes that it is possible to secure the results attained. The Westinghouse stopper lamp is made in two principal parts, the glass bulb and the stopper which fits into it. Leading-in-wires pass through the stopper and are put in place when the stopper is molded; after the carbon is mounted upon the wires it is inserted in the bulb and the stopper put in place, then the sealing material is applied. The bulb has a pressed or molded neck forming in itself the finished top of the lamp, doing away in standard fittings with the old brass shell or cap, thus simplifying and cheapening the cost of production. The successful substitution of iron or platinum leading-in-wires was accomplished first by this company in the production of the stopper lamp, and, aside from other valuable features thus attained, has made it possible to reduce materially the cost of the finished article to the consumer. By means of the adoption of these new forms it has also been possible to substitute machine work for manual labor to an extent heretofore regarded impossible in lamp manufacture. This fact necessarily insures greater uniformity in our product. To such an extent have we gone into the manufacture in every detail that we can make, under our own supervision, everything connected with the lamp, from the glass bulb to the finished article."




Keywords:Westinghouse Glass Manufacturing Company
Researcher notes: 
Supplemental information: 
Researcher:Bob Stahr
Date completed:April 13, 2011 by: Bob Stahr;