[Trade Journal]
Publication: Brick
Chicago, IL, United States
vol. 19, no. 4, p. 1279, col. 1-2
Pottery News
The new plant of the New Lexington (O.) High Voltage Porcelain Co started up in full this week. The concern will make high voltage porcelain of large dimensions only.
The Hall China Co., of East Liverpool, O., has been incorporated with a capital of $100,00. Robt. Hall is president and R. T. Hall secretary and treasurer.
The Trenton Potteries Co., of Trenton, N. J., is now at work on a design from which pieces for display at the coming Louisiana Purchase Exposition will be made.
Several improvements are being made at the works of the Canton Insulator & Clay Co., of Canton, O.
An additional kiln is being built at the electrical porcelain factory of Pass & Seymour, Inc. of Solvay, N. Y.
Extensive improvements are being made at the plant of the Akron Insulator & Marble Co., of Akron, O. New machinery is being put in and the plant thoroughly modernized throughout.