[Trade Journal]
Publication: Brick
Chicago, IL, United States
vol. 20, no. 6, p. 290-302, col. 1-2
The Hartford Faience Co., of Hartford, Conn., makes a striking exhibit in the shape of a mantel piece which is a positive work of art. It is in the order of the model of the famous Della Robbia ware and shows in a perfect manner the possibilities of this decoration in mantel work. The lines and coloring have been followed out in an original way, and the subject of the central panel above the mantel is "The Sun Worshipers." This subject is appropriately related to the use of the fire-place, and the treatment is the result of careful study by Louis Potter, a graduate of Trinity College. This artist has spent two years in Tunis and has become familiar with the subject he presents, a group of Arabs facing the East in the attitude of worship and prayer, saluting the rising sun. The Arab who posed for the central figure was himself the son of a fire-worshipper and provided the costumes and the turbans, which are distinctive features of Arabian dress. In the panel the rays of the sun flame high in the heavens and the attitude of the worshippers is reverential and inspiring.
The coloring is exceedingly effective, the bright yellow glow of the sun at the horizon shading to the zenith nearly to a white. Upon this luminous background are shown the Arabian figures in browns and greens, which are rich and very satisfying.
The central panel shown in our illustration is flanked by two other panels embodying smaller decorations, the lower portions of the fire-place on each side being treated in a dull green. The panel is made up of fifty-one pieces of faience. The scheme of the sun's rays is carried out on the four supporting pilasters, between which are panels, each of which bears two lines of the four-line verse by the famous Persian poet Zoroaster.
Accompanying the fire frame is a pair of andirons designed by Mr. Potter, two crouching oriental figures, which are distinctly in harmony with the ornamental scheme of the large panel. The company is to be congratulated on its fine exhibit.
A Splendid Panel in Hartford Faience. |
The Akron Smoking Pipe Co., of Mogadore, O., has furnished samples of its electric insulators and the Standard Vitrified Conduit Co., of New York, is represented by street car track insulating blocks.
The New Lexington High Potential Insulator Co., of New Lexington, exhibits insulating porcelain pieces specially designed and manufactured for very high voltage. These are 14 in. in diameter and the company makes no small pieces at all.
The Akron Insulator & Marble Co., of Akron, also supplies miscellaneous pieces of electrical porcelain which are interesting, as they show the many domains into which clay can enter to good service.