[Trade Journal]
Publication: The Electrician & Electrical Engineer
New York, NY, United States
vol. 3, p. 202,203, col. 1
[19] — In the August number of the ELECTRICIAN AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEER, your Chicago correspondent referring to my insulator, raises the question as to the sulphur in the rubber damaging the wire. Pure rubber is not used, but packing which is, or may be steeped in asbestos and silicate of potash, which enables the rubber to resist both heat and moisture. Without this treatment, however, I have had lines up all last winter and now all the summer on which my insulator is used, and I defy anyone to see a particle of damage done to the wire. An important feature in addition to those mentioned, is the absolute stillness of the line and the clearness of the voice. I have a line from Windsor to Chatham, 50 miles, which can't he beaten either in Canada or the States I have lines in the town of Windsor which can't be beaten in any Exchange in the Union, and I will submit it to the decision of a committee at my expense. I have lines 5, 10 and 20 miles in length, and one continuous line of 150 miles, over which conversations may be carried on with ease between the exchanges, but it is hard to talk with subscribers at the terminals at that distance. Another point is the cheapness of the insulator, and again, the time saved in construction.
WINDSOR, Out, Aug. 8, 1884 J. W. TRINGHAM.
[The samples of this insulator, kindly forwarded by the inventor, show it to be a marvel of simplicity. The wire which is said to have been secured to it for 9 months, evinces no signs of deterioration. Whether its properties are such as to warrant its more general introduction, is a question of experience. Our creed is, that excellence of insulation and stability, should not be sacrificed for the sake of minor economies — Editor.]