[Trade Journal]
Publication: The Commoner and Glassworker
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
vol. 10, no. 39, p. 4, col. 2
THE HEMINGRAY Glass Co. and C. H. Over of Muncie are to commiserated on the great loss they sustained by fire week ago. It seems that they had ample facilities for fighting the fire but there was no water to be had, and their fire fighting facilities could not be put into effect. The city of Muncie should stand the blame for this, and it be a lesson to manufacturers who are anxious to locate in new towns which build up industries by inducements before they are able to take care of them. Had there been sufficient water at Muncie these two magnificent factories would have been saved. It is doubtful after all that there is any great advantage in leaving an old town to go to a new one, especially when the old established place is able to offer every protection to plants from loss by fire, etc., while the only thing the new town can offer is a bonus.