[Trade Journal]
Publication: The Electrical Engineer
New York, NY, United States
vol. 12, no. 171, p. 154, col. 2
It is stated that the agitation for underground wires has spread to Australia, and that one of the first results is the proposition to give the city of Melbourne a complete underground system. Data are now being collected for the purpose, and a board of expert engineers is to give the matter immediate attention. As a general thing, however, street wiring in Australia has been above the average, and the view which we present here from King William street, Adelaide, South Australia, gives a fair idea of the manner in which work is done in that part of the world. The use of wood is avoided, one reason probably being the scarcity of big limber fur the purpose, and another the fact that with such exposure to the climate the poles would not last long. The poles shown are of iron, in sections, and reach a height of about 40 feet. Those in the view are restricted to telegraph and telephone work, and carry about 150 wires. It will be observed that in some instances the cross-arms are, so to speak, made into simple brackets, and are carried on one side of the pole. This is due to the frequent occurrence of awnings and balconies across the sidewalk for shade, the arms being turned out so as to clear them. As will be seen, the work is neat and trim throughout, and does little to detract from the beauty of the thoroughfare, adding rather to the air of life and bustle that one would expect in the leading business street of a new and growing city. We are indebted for the photograph to Mr. Lee L. Murray, electrical engineer, of Melbourne, Victoria.