[Trade Journal]
Publication: The Electrical Engineer
New York, NY, United States
vol. 12, no. 181, p. 466, col. 2
The accompanying illustration shows a new form of insulator, designed and manufactured by Albert & J. M. Anderson, of Boston, for the purpose of suspending arc lamps so as to make a well-insulated support. It is called the AEtna arc lamp insulator, and at a glance will at once explain its use.
Aetna Arc Lamp Insulator. |
The bell is a solid miss of AEtna insulating material, used largely for insulation in electric railroad work. The material is exceedingly strong and tough, does not crack or split under heavy blows, possesses superior qualities as an insulator, is impervious to moisture, and unaffected by atmospheric conditions or changes. The metal ring and spring clip are of brass, and will therefore not corrode, and no film of oxide forms over the insulating material to destroy its insulating properties in either dry or wet weather. The bell form offers maximum insulating surface, and is practically indestructible.
This form of insulator has been found to be very effective. It is complete in itself, and all that has to be done is to press in the spring clip and hang up the lamp, the clip effectually preventing the lamp from being shaken out.