[Trade Journal]
Publication: The Electrical Engineer
New York, NY, United States
vol. 12, no. 181, p. 465,470, col. 1,2
"I am here" is the Duke's motto; also the Advertiser's.
THE PETTINGELL ANDREWS COMPANY, of Boston, have just got out their first catalogue, embracing a full list of all general electric light and power and railway supplies. The book is handsomely bound in black cloth, and has been carefully compiled under the immediate supervison of Mr. C. B. Price, one of the members of the company. Their new P. A. wire receives first attention in the catalogue and special attention is drawn to its peculiar virtues. The book is well illustrated, and comprises almost everything required in electrical construction, amongst which may be mentioned underwriter's wire, okonite wires and cables, tapes, connectors, terminals, George Cutter's specialties, insulators, tree insulators, P. and B. compounds, hard rubber, porcelains of all shapes, wood cleats, shade-holders, reflectors, shades, a complete line of K. W. cut-outs, rosettes and sockets, Economic incandescent lamps, tools, line material, batteries, bells, the P. A. Street fixtures, switches, motors, etc., etc. The catalogue also embraces a full electric railway supply department, which the Pettingell-Andrews Company are rapidly developing. The book is well got up and makes a handsome addition to any electrical engineer's manuals of useful information.