[Trade Journal]
Publication: The Electrical Engineer
New York, NY, United States
vol. 17, no. 301, p. 123, col. 1
The Ohio Brass Co., of Mansfield, Ohio, has just commenced the sale direct of its electrical street railway specialties. This company has heretofore manufactured this line of goods for some of the largest street railway supply houses in the west; it will, from now on, however, sell its product direct from the factory in Mansfield. In making this change of arrangements, the opportunity is taken to bring out a number of novelties in street railway supplies, overhead material, line devices and car appliances which will in ten st all electric street railway people.
The officers of the company are, Mr. E. T. Cooke, president; Frank B. Black, secretary and manager. Both of these gentlemen have been interested in manufacturing enterprises for a number of years, and are prominent in business and social circlt s in Mansfield. The company has secured Mr. C. K. King as its electrical expert. Mr. King is well known in the profession, having for years been connected with the N. W. Thomson-Houston Co. and latterly with the Ansonia Electric Co., of Chicago, Mr. King has had a valuable experience in electric railway construction work both as an expert and as a salesman. A complete catalogue is now being prepared which will be ready for distribution on or about the fifteenth of this month.