[Trade Journal]
Publication: The Electrical Engineer
New York, NY, United States
vol. 17, no. 305, p. 220, col. 2
The R. Thomas & Sons Company, of East Liverpool, Ohio, manufacturers of hard vitrious porcelain electrical supplies, have issued their catalogue, No. 3, containing 36 pages of beautiful full size reproductions of their specialties in white against a solid dark bronze background. No text is given, as the illustrations are so perfect that none is required, and the insulators, fuse blocks, rosettes and what not stand out so boldly that one is tempted to use them as they are instead of ordering real ones from the makers. In order to provide for the latter alternative, however, the company have offices at 136 Liberty street, this city, and 115 Dearborn street, Chicago, in addition to their general office and works at East Liverpool, Ohio.