[Trade Journal]
Publication: The Electrical Engineer
New York, NY, United States
vol. 21, no. 420, p. 540, col. 1-2
STANLEY & PATTERSON have one of the most attractive booths in the exhibition, consisting of all kinds of general electrical supplies. Among the specialties are Packard lamps, the book being lighted by fifty 16 candle-power lamps of different colors and one 500 candle-power mogul lamp. A part of these lamps are run by a motor generator manufactured by E. G. Bernard Company, of Troy, N. Y.
In one side of the booth is placed a sample board, nicely arranged, of Brunt & Thompson's porcelain tubes. Near the center of the booth is a pyramid of Paranite wire, which is made by the Indiana Rubber and Insulated Wire Company, Jonesboro, Ind.
The Exhibit of Stanley & Patterson. |
The exhibit is in Section F, on the main floor, and is thus advantageously placed. It catches everybody's eye, and having attracted attention, holds it.