[Trade Journal]
Publication: Electrical World
New York, NY, United States
vol. 53, no. 16, p. 939, col. 1-2
66,000-VOLT WINNIPEG POWER DEVELOPMENT. — Work has been commenced on clearing the right-of-way for the transmission line of the new Winnipeg electrical power development. This is 100 ft. wide and the total length of the line to Point du Bois is 75.5 miles. Rapid progress is being made on the two large cofferdams at the latter place. Contracts have been let to the Locke Insulator Manufacturing Company, of Victor, N. Y., for the line and special insulators, the estimated cost of which is $14,625. A small contract has been also awarded to the Stuart Machinery Company, of Winnipeg, for a machine shop equipment. The engineers for the work are Messrs. Smith, Kerry & Chace.