[Trade Journal]
Publication: Journal of the American Temperance Union and The New York Prohibitionist
New York, NY, United States
vol. 26, no. 9, p. 140, col. 2
Camp Dennison Hospital Chapel
Was opened last Friday afternoon, with appropriate services. A. E. Chamberlain, Esq.. President of the Cincinnati Branch United States Christian Commission, couducted the exercises, and made some statements in regard to the erection and finishing of the edifice
The S. S. scholars of Cincinnati furnished the seats, at a cost of $180, and a melodeon worth $110 Mr. W. Colburn sold for $75; J.Shillito, Esq., gave window shades, and a carpet for the platform; Gray and Hemingray, and McHenry and Carson, donated lamps; Mr. James Johnston the platform; Mitchell & Rammelsburg, and Messrs. Johnson, the chairs and table. The Young Men's Bible Society presented a beautiful Bible, and the Christian Commission appropriated 300 hymn books. After the reading of the Scriptures, prayer was offered in German by Rev. Mr. Sauer. A sermon was preached by Rev. B. W. Chidlaw, on the "Nature and Rewards of the Service of God," from John xii. 20th, after which appropriate remarks were made by Rev. J. Q. Wright, chaplain of Marine Hospital, followed by prayer. The seats were crowded with an attentive and interested audience. Nearly all the surgeons and officers were present, showing an appreciation of the service of this neat and commodious house of worship.