Publication: The Cincinnati Enquirer
Cincinnati, OH, United States
vol. 33, no. 213, p. 1, col. 6
Springer Hall.
The Springer Music Hall Committee held a meeting yesterday forenoon at the Board of Trade Rooms. The following fresh subscriptions were reported:
D. K. Este, $500; George Fox, $250; G. H. Rogers, $150, G. H. McGowan, $150; Hemingray Glass Company, $150; S. H. Parvin, $100; Smith & Alpin, $100; Alexander McDonald, $100; Reakirt, Hale & Co., $100; Snider, Hoole & Co., $100. Total amount of additional subscription, $1,750, making the sum total now in the hands of the Treasurer $65,300.
Mr. Hooker moved that Messrs. Jones, Bugher and Kirby be appointed to consider and report some plan for the completion of the subscription list. This motion being voted upon and accepted, Mr. Bugher then offered the following:
"Resolved, That when so large a number of our citizens and heads of business firms are out of the city at this time of the year, and as only a small number or the Committee are canvassing for subscriptions, that this Committee adjourn until the 4th of September."