Publication: The Sacramento Daily Union
Sacramento, CA, United States
vol. 47, no. 7198, p. 1, col. 5
THE SONS OF "THE BACHELOR MILLIONAIRE" AFTER HIS ESTATE — There promises to be a legal stuggle for the wealth of the late Colonel Phillips, the millionaire, who died in Pittsburgh. It was generally supposed that the deceased was a bachelor, and he was known as the "bachelor millionaire." Since his death, therefore, when he left an unsigned and consequently invalid will, it has been commonly supposed that his brother and sister, being the only surviving members of his father's family, and therefore his nearest of kin, would come into indisputable possession of his entire estate. But the matter is not likely to end here. It is now asserted that Col. Phillips was married during his lifetime, and that two children, as the result of that union, are now living and lay claim to the whole estate as rightful heirs. The story, as is alleged, is this: Reuben Hemingray left that city about twenty-five years ago for the South, and, after being absent a few months, died. He left here a wife, to whom, very shortly after the husband's death, was born a child. Some three or four years after the death of Hemingray, it is asserted that Col. Phillips married this widow. The matter was always kept secret, the lady, who retained the name of Mrs. Hemingray, having her residence apart from Colonel Phillips. As a result of this latter union, five children were born - four boys and a girl. Mrs. Hemingray died some six or seven years ago. Three of the children are also dead, and the remaining two, whose names are William and Robert B. Hemingray, are still livinig, and it is they who now lay claim to the entire estate, on the ground of their being legitimate children of Colonel Phillips.