Publication: The Logansport Daily Pharos
Logansport, IN, United States
p. 3, col. 3
Polo Dope.
James Sebern is to put a team in Dayton, O. Sebern has been making many significant visits to Central league cities of late.
Big Bill Hefferman is again guarding the cage at Danville. Bill has returned from Pawtucket, R. I., where he is a deputy sheriff. Bill has given a substitute his job until he gets through playing polo.
Referee Arundel has been let out of the Western league. Two men will officiate in the decision department of that league the rest of the season. If Arundel is anything of a referee he must be better than the figure head the Central now has.
Robert Hemingray, who has a string of fast horses at St. Louis, strongly objected to the way his newly made brother-in-law, Davie Cusick, acted about his recent wedding at Indianapolis. Mrs. Hemingray will spend the winter in the south.
Indianapolis will line up like this tonight: Higgins and Hart, rushers; McGilvray, center; Coggshall, halfback, and Harper goal. O'Hara's nose still keeps him out of commission. No one is to be released from the capital city five in the next week or two.
Bill Bannon has not forgotten how to play polo. In a recent game between Lynn and Plymouth Bannon made only 76 stops. That sets a record for this year in polodom. Dicky Pierce made one goal from the spot in two seconds and two others by hooking them into the netting after long drives down the floor. Curtis is still starring for the Stoneham, Mass., team and Levi Poster frequently mixes up in a scrap. The South Framingham team is to be transferred to another city owing to the slim attendance.