[Trade Journal]
Publication: Glass Factory Directory
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
p. 63,66,68,111,114,116,122,124,126, col. 1
The following factories are devoted to the manufacture of pressed and blown ware, plain tumblers, stem ware and bar goods, cut glass and tubing, lamp chimneys, globes, electrical goods, etc.
Owens-Illinois Glass Co., Muncie; 4 continuous tanks. Glass insulators and Insulux glass building block. See listing under firm name in Ohio bottle section
This list includes manufacturers of prescriptions and vials, beers and minerals, patent and proprietary medicines, liquors and flasks, packers and preservers, fruit jars and milk bottles.
Owens-Illinois Glass Co., Gas City, Muncie and Terre Haute. See listing under firm name in Ohio bottle section.
Owens-Illinois Glass company, general offices, Ohio bldg, Toledo; sales offices in all principle cities; officers: W. E. Levis, chairman of board; J. P. Levis, president; C. B. Belknap, executive vice president; F. J. Solon, vice president; C. G. Bensinger, vice president and general factories manager; C. R. Megowan, vice president and comptroller; Garland Lufkin, vice president; S. L. Rairdon, vice president and general sales manager glass container division; H. S. Wade, vice president and general manager glass container division; J. H. Wright, vice president; W. I. Cole, vice president; J. H. McNerney, secretary-treasurer; R. A. Cosh, Eastern factories manager, Toledo, O.; R. H. Mulford, Western factories manager, San Francisco, Calif.; J. E. McBurney, chief engineer; Alton, Ill. Factories: No. 2, Huntington, W. Va.; A. C. Budd, manager, 5 furnaces; No. 3, Fairmont, W. Va., J. L. Black, 6 furnaces; No. 6, Charleston, W. Va., J. D. Northup, 5 furnaces; No. 7, Alton, Ill., F. Flexon, 10 furnaces; No. 9, Streator, Ill., H. L. Maranda, 10 furnaces; No. 12, Gas City, Ind., S. M. Cantrill, 3 furnaces; No. 14, Bridgeton, N. J., M. G. Beishline, 7 furnaces; No. 17, Clarion, Pa., W. B. Owen, 2 furnaces; No. 18, Columbus, O., J. C. Hamilton, 2 furnaces; No. 20, Oakland, Calif., A. M. Turner, 5 furnaces; No. 23, Los Angeles, Calif., E. R. Owens, 3 furnaces; No. 25, Terre Haute, Ind., P. M. Bitner, 3 furnaces; No. 26, Muncie, Ind., Carl H. Smith, manager, 3 furnaces, 9 machines. No. 15 Waco, Tex., G. M. Walter, 2 furnaces. Duraglas bottles, bottles and containers, all colors; pressure and non-pressure beverage bottles; beer bottles, narrow-neck and wide-mouth food containers, pharmaceutical, proprietary, drug store containers; milk bottles, large ware, including 1/2, 2, 3, and 5 gallon water bottles, carboys, 2 and 3 gallon fuel oil containers, wicker covered large ware, etc.; industrial materials, glass insulators, "Insulux" glass building block.