Hemingray/Owens-Illinois Glass Company listing

[Trade Journal]

Publication: Glass Factory Directory

Pittsburgh, PA, United States
p. 63,64,66,74,78,109,122,124,126, col. 1





The following factories are devoted to the manufacture of pressed and blown ware, plain tumblers, stem ware and bar goods, cut glass and tubing, lamp chimneys, globes, electrical goods, etc.






Kimble Glass Company, (subsidiary of O-I Glass Co.), offices, Toledo, Ohio. C. R. Megowan, president; R. H. Mulford, v. p. and gen. mgr. Factory: Muncie; 2 furnaces. J. E. Bauer, plant mgr. Insulux glass block. Hemingray insulators, miscellaneous pressed ware items.





Kimble Glass Company, (subsidiary of O-I Glass Co.), offices, Toledo, Ohio. Factory: Columbus; 4 furnaces, R. W. Gatti, plant mgr.; Manufacturers and developers of the new Kimble all-glass rectangular television bulb.





This list includes manufacturers of prescriptions and vials, beers and minerals, patent and proprietary medicines, liquors and flasks, packers and preservers, fruit jars and milk bottles.






Owens-Illinois Glass Company, general offices, Toledo, Ohio; sales offices in all principle cities; executive officers: J. P. Levis, chairman; C. R. Megowan, president; H. C. Laughlin, exec. v. p.; J. H. McNerney, sec. and treas.; P. W. Hancock, comptroller; O. G. Burch, v. p. engineering & research; H. J. Carr, v. p.; S. J. McGiveran, v. p.; S. L. Rairdon, v. p. marketing.; F. J. Solon, v. p.; F. E. Fuller, gen. counsel. Glass Container Div.: C. G. Bensinger, v. p. and gen. mgr.; R. A. Cosh, v. p. and gen. factories mgr.; Pacific Coast Div.; H. S. Wade, v. p. and gen. mgr.; Closure and Plastics Div.; G. S. Babcock, v. p. and gen. mgr. Kimble Glass Co., subsidiary: C. R. Megowan, president; R. H. Mulford, v. p. of Owens-Illinois and gen mgr. of Kimble Glass Co. Libbey Division; H. J. Durholt, v. p. and gen. mgr. Kaylo Div.; J. G. King, v. p. and gen. mgr.; Factories Glass Container Div.; No. 2, Huntington, W. Va.; A. C. Budd, 5 furnaces; No. 3, Fairmont, W. Va., J. L. Black, 6 furnaces; No. 6, Charleston, W. Va., R. H. Rugh, 5 furnaces; No. 7, Alton, Ill., F. Flexon, 10 furnaces; No. 9, Streator, Ill., M. G. Kahl, 10 furnaces; No. 12, Gas City, Ind., S. M. Cantrill, 3 furnaces; No. 14, Bridgeton, N. J., M. B. Thompson, 7 furnaces; No. 15 Waco, Tex., G. M. Walter, 2 furnaces; No. 17, Clarion, Pa., E. G. Engels, 2 furnaces; No. 20, Oakland, Calif., E. R. Owens, 5 furnaces; No. 23, Los Angeles, Calif., E. R. Marr, 3 furnaces; San Jose, Calif., M. O. Drury; Glassboro, N. J., R. H. Langdon; St. Charles, Ill., Q. Winter. Products: "Duraglas" containers, metal and molded closures, corrugated and wood cases. Factories Libbey Glass Div.: 9 furnaces, Toledo, O., R. C. Schwyn, Buffalo, N. Y., B. L. King, Products: Cut, decorated and plain "Safedge" tumblers and stemware for home and commercial use. Factories Kimble Glass Co. subsidiary: 2 furnaces, 20 pots, 19 continuous tanks, 2 day tanks. Vineland, N. J., W. G. Swanson; Warsaw, Ind., W. H. Brooks; Chicago Heights, Ill., J. F. Hinckley; Toledo, O., C. A. Lauder, F. D. Pinotti, chief engineers; S. A. Kenworthy, gen. factories mgr. Muncie, Ind., J. E. Bauer; Columbus, Ohio, R. W. Gatti; Sayreville, N. J,, E. P. Spence. Products; "Neutraglas" ampuls and serum bottles; "Opticlear" vials; "Exax", "Normax" and "K" brand laboratory glassware; laboratory thermometers and hydrometers; automotive hydrometers; perfume and special molded containers, tubing and rod. Hemingray and Kimble tempered glass insulators; Insulux glass block; manufacturers and developers of the Kimble all-glass rectangular television bulb, and miscellaneous pressed ware items. Kaylo Div.; Berlin, N. J., O. W. Pfeifer. Products: Hydrous calcium silicate; insulating products.




Keywords:Hemingray : Owens-Illinois Glass Company : Kimble Glass Company
Researcher notes: 
Supplemental information: 
Researcher:Bob Stahr
Date completed:August 26, 2011 by: Bob Stahr;