[Trade Journal]
Publication: Glass Factory Year Book and Directory
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
p. 9,31-32, col. 1
This is the Golden Anniversary Issue of your GLASS FACTORY YEARBOOK AND DIRECTORY.
To mark the occasion, special research has been undertaken to gather information about glass manufacturers and individuals, active or retired, whose years of service also date back 50 years — or more. This special historical data is presented on the pages immediately following.
We congratulate the companies and individuals who have reached and passed this half-century milestone. We are proud that down through the years both the GLASS FACTORY YEARBOOK AND DIRECTORY and the American Glass Review have had the opportunity to mirror the wonderful achievements these men and companies have helped to make possible in the manufacture of glass.
The names of those men who have been in the glass industry for 50 years or more are, in most cases, included in the historical paragraphs of those companies with which they have served. All other 50-year veterans, including those of distributors and suppliers, are to be found in the supplementary list following the company histories.
Every effort has been made to include all companies and individuals who are qualified for the Golden Anniversary Review. If omissions are noted, we would appreciate having them brought to our attention so that recognition can be made in the American Glass Review.
Pilkington Brothers (Canada) Ltd.
Established 1890 (in Canada)
Toronto Canada
Pilkington's have been in the glass business in England since 1826. For over 100 years they have shipped glass to Canada — in 1890, the growth of this business made it necessary to establish a warehouse in Montreal. Since then, Pilkington's have established 21 centers across the country.
In 1914, Pilkington's built a sheet glass plant at Thorold, Ont., but this plant was closed in 1923 due to inability to compete with prices of other European glass shipped to Canada. However, manufacturing of sheet glass was resumed again at a new factory.in Scarboro, in 1951.
Pilkington's have undertaken an expansion program since the war. In addition to the new factory, there are eight new warehouses, new showrooms, and a large factory at Leaside, Ont., has been set up for manu. facturing mirrors and Thermopane.
Today Pilkington's has 1,112 employees. Principal executives include L. J. B Forbes, general manager; D. H. Jupp, assistant general manager; E. R. Graham, secretary.
George Butcher, in the Accounts Department, has been with Pilkington's since 1884. Aside from a short period of retirement after 50 years of service, he has been with the firm continuously, never missing a day for sickness.